After studying the mechanism of action of antifungal natural products and their derivatives during her Ph.D. in Microbiology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany), Dr. Woyke pursued her postdoctoral research at the JGI in 2004. The main object of her research was the symbiont community of a gutless oligochaete for which she deciphered function and host-symbiont interplay using...
Past PMB Seminars
For a schedule of all Plant & Microbial Biology events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
David Innouye: BiGCB Seminar Series: The effects of global and regional climate change on phenology of wildflowers and animals in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 Berkeley Initiative in Global Change Biology Seminar Series: Biological responses to environmental change: using past and present dynamics to predict future responses.
Toniann Pitassi: Simons Institute Open Lecture: Interactive Information: Applications and New Directions
The second in the spring series of Simons Institute Open Lectures. The Open Lectures are intended for a broad scientific audience. Light refreshments will be served before the lecture at 3:30 p.m.
Donald Ort: "Taking the heat. What will it mean for the Corn Belt?" Donald Ort
Growth and photosynthetic performance of plants are frequently diminished by commonly occurring environmental conditions. For instance, in a fairly diverse group of plant species, a persistent inhibition of photosynthesis occurs when plants are exposed to chilling temperatures. My laboratory is investigating the underlying causes and molecular basis for inhibition of photosynthesis by low...
Claude Steel: Rising Together
The Coalition of Ethnic Staff Organizations (CESO) is proud to present “Rising Together”, a spectacular morning filled with engaging dialogue and meaningful insights to strengthen the career and professional development of staff of color at UC Berkeley. This program is free and exclusive to UC Berkeley Staff. The target audience is staff of color on campus.
Juergen Ehlting: "Evolution of Plant Natural Product Biosynthesis from Primary Metabolism: On Shikimate and Quinate Metabolism": Juergen Ehlting, University of Victoria
Functional genomics of plant natural product biosynthesis; shikimate and phenylpropanoid pathways; wood formation Plants synthesize a vast array of diverse secondary compounds or natural products that serve pivotal adaptive functions including protection against pests, attractants for pollinators, antagonists to other plants, structural components, and signaling molecules However, the vast...
UCSF iGEM Summer Undergrad Research Program
Learn about summer undergraduate research opportunities in synthetic biology with the UCSF iGEM Program